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Unlock the full potential of your braiding skills and elevate your earning power with our comprehensive online Loctician training course. Tired of struggling through slow seasons while watching others thrive? Say goodbye to inconsistent income and hello to a career path with unwavering demand year-round. 

Experience the difference as you learn how to transition from braids to locs, tapping into a market where demand remains consistent regardless of the season. No more fretting over slow periods, become a sought after Loctician, capable of providing proper care that clients rely on month after month.


 Don’t settle for fractioned earnings when you can step into a world where your talent is valued and rewarded accordingly.

Best Value

True Dream Loctician mentorship



Every month

Valid until canceled

(live) success strategizing sessions

3 coaching calls per month

Access to our entrepreneurial Empowerment board

Elite insight sessions with other thriving entrepreneurs

1st Access to business opportunities


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